11 November, 2008

work email today

Just going through all my old emails and thought I would cut a paste some of my favorite quotes Margaret has sent.

- Hmmm, I think we should have a dare day… and dave’s first dare is…
While riding in an elevator, gasp dramatically every time the doorsopen.

- Hahahahahaha! Yay! Oooh is that Manager of the quarter I smell?!

- I’m all about subtlety, Pain Train. PT. P to the Train. Word.
And for any diabetics, you will seizure. And for any anorectics, you will plump. Subtle? Yeah yeah?

- Excuses, excuses. At least you weren’t last.

- That’s not initiative, that’s your job foolio!

- You messing with people’s im’s?

- Johannah apparently has low expectations in her life…

- Yes ma’am, gold star for you today!

- I like dags.

- Johannah, what sort of low goals do you have in life???

- It’s cause you’re asian.

- Awwwwww, you guys are sweet… I’ll fart into a jar and send it to you… British gas….