13 January, 2009

Gnome meet Ely... Ely, Gnome.

Lazy day today... Actually I haven't woken up since our Avebury trip--been sleeping in Margaret's coat pocket so I guess I was forgotten. Maybe for the better though... from my understanding those two are rather... gassy.... and it might've been a blessing in disguise I was in pocket-lockdown.

Ran some errands today... went for a walk as well. Here we are out through the park by the cathedral in the background, then me with the Eel hive and then a pic of the cathedral.

Today was actually fairly sunny! I think we hit double digit Celsius today and there were only scattered patches of grey today... how lovely. Last week we had a few days of freezing fog.. I didn't know that was possible but apparently fog gets so cold it can be... freezing?

My next trip that I know of isn't unti February for Valentine's Day in Paris. I'm not sure what this day's significance is but it's fairly important to Margaret and Clint. Gnomes don't have a "Valentine's day"... Then again, there isn't a Mrs. Gnome Chomsky in my life so maybe it doesn't matter.... Alas, I'm but a "single" as they say in the states...


Kimberly said...

You crack me up =)

V-Day in Paris... WOW!

Sy said...

awesome!! I captured a couple of knomes the other day too!